Wednesday 30 January 2013

punctuation marks in the profession

at times i relate people in my professional world to the punctuation in the English grammar.
for example, there are some colleagues as well as students whom i find confusing (not unpredictable, mind it).
they are like a big '?' question mark to you. you do not know what is going on with them. you seem to have so many questions about them all the time....what is he/she thinking about this?....what is he/she exactly going through? you think he/she is not happy here?? on and on... like a receptionist, forced to keep a smile on face but i wonder what she is actually thinking...
and then comes the ',' commas. They would not sit with you and chat for hours(how do you read a comma?....a short pause, remember?) you see them,stop for a while and the best part they keep you connected with the others(commas connect two or more sentences). like an English teacher you meet in the library at times and he shares with you and others some double meaning jokes in English....making you laugh for some time.  i love the 'commas'!!!
Semicolon ';' people are basically those orthodox whimsical completely narrow minded people who in the name of old traditions, refuse to learn anything new or even give it a shot.semicolon separates two completely different meaning words. and i do not know about others but i am completely different from these people.
hyphen '-' and dashes '__' are your close ones.both join words.hyphen people are closer than dash people though.(as hyphen means shorter pause than dash). for example the colleague who joined on the same day as you. no matter how different your streams are, you develop a friendship.
Apostrophe ' ' ' are basically those people for me who give me the feeling as if some part of their personality or brain is missing ( apostrophe is used for the omission of one or more letters, eg, DON'T, o being omitted).i find them irritating at times and thank goodness for the modern sms lingo, we do not use apostrophe much nowadays!!
people who are always excited (either in positive or negative way, like the old p.t.teacher who is so angry all the time! or the young primary teacher, who is so irritatingly chirpy all the time and to top it all, falls in love!!!!!) they surely remind me of exclamation '!' mark!
full stops are those who are not connected to you all the time but when you meet them, you chat with them for hours and hours and your worries stop after the sharing. but you do not drag their thoughts to the next day of your life. you pause.
well, i know we mostly talk about these many punctuation marks in our daily life. but i have one more- the dots '.........' yup, these people also exist in our professional life. for example a date or two with a colleague and then it do not know why.things had given you you do not want a pause. you do not want exclamation also. and you can not be hyphenated as well. so you drag the feeling next day as well. hence the dots '........'.....


  1. Arey.. i had never thought these marks as this..
    i love this..

  2. thank you Ashish.... you are the best hyphen you know!!!
